Aesthetic dentistry

Appearance is important to almost every one of us. It influences our standing in society, success at work as well as self-confidence. This is why aesthetic dentistry came about, which – as the name indicates – concerns itself primarily with "improving" appearance. The main goal of procedures is then of course an aesthetically pleasing and at the same time natural-looking set of teeth.

All-ceramic crowns

If you aren't satisfied with the colour of an old crown, for example on your front teeth, or need a new one, we recommend using an all-ceramic crown, which is indistinguishable from the surrounding teeth. Earlier, plastic or metal-ceramic were used, which due to their technology of manufacture weren't capable of faithfully replicating the shade of your teeth. Today we can painlessly replace them with all-ceramic crowns, which are made without a metal core, and have an almost unlimited lifespan. With the use of computer technology, they can perfectly replicate the natural look of your teeth, so only you will know that they're there.

Whitening Teeth

If the colour of your teeth is preventing you from smiling confidently, we can lighten their colour by whitening. Whitening teeth is performed with the use of hydrogen peroxide gel. Whitening gel is gentle on your teeth, so there is absolutely no danger of damage to enamel. More concentrated gels, intended for special whitening, must be applied directly at the clinic, while the less concentrated ones can also be applied at home. In this case, a special plastic form is required as a gel carrier, which your doctor will custom-make from impressions of your teeth. You will insert the form yourself, filled with the whitening gel, once a day, usually at night. Before beginning the whitening process, it is however necessary to get rid of cavities, plaque and pigments, which is why it is necessary to go for a check-up, and undergo treatment from a dental hygienist.

Dental Jewellery

Upon request, we also apply so-called dental jewellery. These are special decorations that are only "glued" to the teeth, similarly to braces, for example. The process does not damage tooth enamel, and the jewellery can thus later be removed or replaced with others without any consequences.

Contact us

Tichý zubař s.r.o.

Zubatého 5 (entrance from street Štefánikova 43a, budova "D" - 2. patro)
150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov
IČ: 24215686


Phone: +420 222 522 910
Mobile: +420 739 093 216

OC Nový Smíchov (5 min)
Arbesovo náměstí
9, 12, 15, 20, BUS 176